Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy


Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

Although you may not feel like funning a marathon while your pregnant, most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancies. It’s best to discuss your exercise plans with your doctor early on to determine what you can do. The level of exercise recommended will depend, in part, on your level of pre- pregnancy fitness as well, but no doubt will exercise be both beneficial for you and your baby during your pregnancy. Here are 7 great benefits to motivate you to exercise while you have a bun in the oven!

1. Boost Your Energy

Pregnancy can zap your energy but bouts of exercise will help you get through your dialing tasks or cope with a demanding schedule. Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, that way you wont tire as easily. When your muscles are strong and capable you will need less effort to engage in any activity, whether that means grocery shopping or sitting through meetings at the office, which can be taxing during pregnancy.

2. Sleep Better

When you’re carrying an extra 15 pounds (or more!) in front of you, finding a comfortable sleeping position can e a real challenge. But exercise will help you work off any excess energy and tire you enough to lull you into a more restful sleep.

3. Reduce Pregnancy Discomfort

Generally, regular exercise stretches and strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Stretching eases back pain, walking improves your circulation, and swimming can strengthen you abdominal muscles.

4. Prepare for Child Birth

It makes perfect sense that the better shape you’re in, the stronger you’ll be when labor and delivery time approach. Giving birth is similar to running a marathon, which requires stamina, determination, and focus. So training for childbirth through exercise may ease labor and even shorten the time it takes to deliver your baby.

5. Reduce Stress and Boost Your Mental Attitude

Have a child is a life-changing, momentous experience that can leave you feeling simultaneously ecstatic, overwhelmed, and anxious. Exercise boost levels of serotonin, a chemical in the brain linked to mood, helping improve your mental attitude.

6. Improve Your Self-Image

Watching the scale slowly move its way up to numbers you’ve never seen before can be disheartening. Staying active helps you fell better about yourself and improves your odds of gaining a healthy amount of weight.

7. Get Your Body Back Faster After Childbirth

This alone is motivation enough for many women to embark on a pregnancy exercise regimen. When you’ve maintained your strength and muscle tone all through your pregnancy, your body will have an easier time bouncing back after you give birth. You’ll also gain less surplus weight if you exercise during your pregnancy.

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